
What are microlights?

In some European countries, ‘’microlight’’ is synonymous with:

  • ULM Ultra Léger Motorisé
  • UL Ultraleichtflugzeugen
  • Ecolight
  • Ultralight

Since 2018 Microlight are defined in the EASA BASIC 2018/1139 Regulation as Annexe 1(e) aircrafts (up to 472.5kg (Gyros up to 600 kg) or acc art 2 para 8 (OPTOUT600) up to 600 kg for aeroplanes helicopters and gliders up to 600 kg. All that under national rules from EASA States.

Different classes of microlight are authorized depending on national provisions:

  • 3 axis
  • Gyros
  • Gliders
  • Trikes
  • Paramotor
  • Airships Ballons
  • Helicopters

In Switzerland authorized are now:

  • Multiaxis (ecolight)
  • Gyros
  • Trike with electrical engine
  • Motorparagliding electrical only

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