SMF News – February 2024
Your committee is fighting hard for the UL cause in Switzerland. An enormous amount of work surprised us just before Christmas 2023 because of two separate actions undertaken by your committee.
To sum up first:
- Invitation to Federal Councillor Albert Rösti to explain our problems to the DETEC through National Councillor Matthias Jauslin, also President of the AéCS.
- Drafting of a motion to the National Council for OPTOUT 600 in Switzerland.
- The Federal Administrative Court of St. Gallen (TAF) rejected our appeal.
- Study of the recitals of the TAF decision.
- Drafting and filing of an appeal with the Federal Court in Lausanne.
- Your Chairman (80) will retire at the next GM.
Please note that there is no suspensive effect, as there is for the appeal to the TAF.
If you opt for a PtF, we recommend that you enclose the legal reserve we have drawn up for you